Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunday's Letter #2: Chess Game, day 14

"Note from the front: People are scared and they should be...Our collective complacency has sold out our democracy / our greatness to corporations. We all need to try in our little way to unwrap the lies in WI and our country. Tomorrow predicts to be one of  the biggest protests outside DC in US history, the shift of consciousness is happening. The fight will be long, but we will PREVAIL."

I wrote this on Friday and the protests on Saturday were incredible, people in WI showed a proud 100,000+ at any point throughout the day, in freezing temperatures and falling snow.  People in every state in this country also marched and rallied on our behalf.  It is clear now that the blatant attack on democracy and human rights has been recognized as such.  Our brother and sisterhood is bonding,  this unified voice gives us the strength to FIGHT ONE MORE DAY! Those who have been called to battle early know this is only the beginning of a long road back to what is right.

Lies, manipulation and feed corn for the weak is being unloaded from Scott Walker at an all time high.  Most media sources have failed miserably at capturing the greatness and truth of the movement being born in Madison, WI.  Our friends at Democracy Now have given us some hope that somehow the truth will be exposed.
We must have faith that when lies are at the foundation, things will erode in our favor.  As Walker gets trapped in his lies and his tyrannical tricks are unleashed... the people will continue to UNITE!

Let's continue to focus on the bill, we have the power to change minds.  All eyes on those Senate Republicans, who must now decide if they are willing to sell out for a battle they will surely loose in the end.