Monday, February 28, 2011

madison protest reaches highest numbers yet

Speaking of Saturdays protest, Madison Police Department spokesman Joel DeSpain said it was "definitely one of the largest and most sustained demonstrations we've ever seen." Numbers have been estimated to have been between 70,000 to 120,000 working Wisconsinites at any point, throughout the afternoon.

photos by: Eric Baillies

wisconsin assembly vote - auction style

In the early morning hours of Friday Feb 25 in run out style the Republican Majority voted in what was explained as seconds by members of the ongoing protest in capitol building. This abrupt disregard for Democratic members waiting to be heard on the floor led to these same Democratic members ending the session shaming the Republicans who within 1 minute opened voting and ended the minute walking out silently with no emotion and neglecting to acknowledge the Democratic process.

serf protest

Late Thursday evening there was silent protest in the center of the rotunda up until about a half hour before the auctioneer style vote that started and finished in what has been explained to feel like seconds.

photos by: Eric Baillies

Governor Exposes how crooked he is.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday's Letter #1: Refusal to Negotiate. Day 7

First, BRAVO WISCONSIN! This week rises to the top of most incredible things I've witnessed in my lifetime. You will INSPIRE a broken nation.

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald reaffirmed Saturday that Republicans have not been swayed by the quarter million pro-labor protesters who since Tuesday have filled the Capitol with their UNITY, SOLIDARITY and WILLINGNESS TO NEGOTIATE! "The bill is not negotiable," Fitzgerald said inside a heavily guarded Senate parlor at the Capitol. "The bill will pass as is."

By now it should be clear that Walker will choose to lead Wisconsin as a dictatorship. This is the beginning, now America it's OUR fight, negotiation has left the building, from sea to shining sea...


As days of protest continue, stay strong and focused, ask for support! Don't watch the media spin their lies; FORWARD! It is all happening right here, right now. Check your pulse... WE WILL PREVAIL!

Thank you beautiful, brave Wisconsin people from every walk of life, you humble me and I am so so proud!

Note to those who thought they voted for a Republican/or did not vote:

Now that I see the disdain and his agenda, I know Walker won with a great ad campaign financed by large corporations. People of WI were becoming complacent, we did not show up to vote. I saw several hundred people who voted for Walker at the rally yesterday and they are very Sorry. Forgive.

OK- we all screwed up, now get over here and join the fight for what is RIGHT.

TRANSPARENCY has never been so clear!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Representative Gordon Hintz on the "Budget repair bill"

Thank You!
Other amazing comments were made by Assembly Democrats, this tells a lot about what is happening here in WI and to our democracy in general.

14 Senators - a song by Ken Lonnquist (written 2-18-2011)

Freedom of Speech, a peaceful day of debate.

rat posters represent

PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS! bullying and blatent disregard for the democratic process. State Assembly Democrats stand up!

Give Russ Feingold some Love! He is a wise man.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Friday the world knows and forces multiply

With the Democratic Senators gone until Walker talks to the people with respect....
the bill is stalled. Solidarity is clear.
A movement is born, the working class continue to fight back.
The state is becoming more united, Walker supporters are quiet today.

Firefighters' eye view: Taking the Capitol - Feb. 18th, 2011, Kill the B...

What beautiful looks like....

Firefighters in Solidarity!

and more noise........and then home after 3 hard days of fighting peacefully

"It is silent in my room and all I can hear is the roar of beautiful Wisconsin voices ringing in my ear"

Thursday....KILL THE BILL

Thursday it is all hands on deck.....more posters to create and distribute. Lots of noise, tensions's all happening so fast. More beautiful faces from all over the state! I have never felt so proud! Friends come to help and take amazing photos.

Thanks to our collective efforts , 100 copies sprayed in an alley in 30 min. Thanks to our sponsor Artist and Craftsman Supply and great helpers!
Of to the rally.......

Passion! (captured by Eric Baillies)

We then find out the BILL IS STALLED because our 14 Democratic Senators escaped the capitol so our voices could be heard! Heart Throbbing Excitement! and a cigar.

Beautiful Wisconsinites! UNITE

Returning home after my first day of protest, I knew this was going to consume my life for days and weeks, maybe months to come.  I ready......I educate myself on the facts and I am fearful this bill might slam through before we can stop it.  FIGHT! 
And then I see this the morning I return! Many more on there way, democracy in action!

And later that day, inside the capitol.........

Day 2 is a day of great inspiration

I can say I was unable to sit idle when I heard what unfair plans Walker wanted to unleash on WI workers in a matter of days.  He hoped it could go under our noses....
I love Wisconsin, and was sick inside seeing this new governor act a fool.  My husband made a wonderful sign and off we went.
When we arrived I knew than the movement to kick back on GREED and to preserve democracy in America had begun!