When you step into the state capitol in Wisconsin you get the sense that it was built to honor and inspire the hearts of many. My heart often sinks into an admiration for the past when things were made well and art and design was a requirement for all, not a privilege for a few. I often wonder how a nation, so capable and creative has surrendered so viciously to greed and selfish aims. The collective acts and common goals to create public beauty and comfort are nearly extinct.
Everything today is about profit, we all suffer in the wake of this sad goal. The reality of a world for sale is more apparent than ever; a handful of people have us all locked into a system that no longer supports our values or goals. Frankly, I am sick of being spoon feed, tricked and seduced by a system that left me behind decades ago. This is why we must continue to rise up, to reach for our greatness and to restore value. The numbers that rule us have lost my respect, I am ready for a game change.
Those of you who have been fighting hard in Wisconsin know that it feels better when we are together. We can no longer fret about the acquisition of wealth for things we don't need. The system is rigged, and we will be fighting over scraps if we continue to buy in. We all have amazing skills and we can survive and live well by SUPPORTING SYSTEMS that SUPPORT US and OUR ENVIRONMENT. Scott Walker and and those who have sold out their values cannot see this strength, and this is why we will prevail and they will not.