MORE THAN a 100,000 people are expected to march to Hyde Park in London today in the biggest protest yet against the British government’s £80 billion (€91 billion) spending cuts, organized by the British Trades Union Congress. - The Irish Times 3/26/2011
Union leaders and police said over 250,000 people joined the biggest rally in the capital since protests against war in Iraq in 2003. -Reuters 3/26/2011

A protester in protective mask holds a placard during an anti nuclear rally in Tokyo on Sunday. The placard's message reads "Don't spread radioactive substances."- Japan Today 3/26/2011

Tens of thousands of people on Saturday turned out in Germany's largest cities to protest the use of nuclear power in the wake of Japan's Fukushima reactor disaster, police and organizers said. -Associated Press 3/26/2011

Today, I cannot easily find one honest and detailed news bit on any of these peaceful historical events. Media focused it's attention on youth groups who did property damage in central London, misleading and conflicting reports about the nuclear crisis in Japan and the war in Libya (however I don't believe they are calling it a war).
A few news outlets still hold onto the threads of truth, but after reading the slivered down journalism coming out of Wisconsin and the world, I really can only 100% rely on reports from the ground. Since I cannot be in London, Japan, Libya, Germany and Cali today; I sit at my desk frustrated and angered that my ongoing quest for truth is getting harder and harder. I am however thrilled to know the consciousness of the people in this world is gaining strength this weekend. Regardless of what the power mongers want us to see and fear, WE ARE RISING!
We will not be supported by our mainstream media, industry or corrupt governments. But we will continue to create massive grassroots networks of information and leadership for our future. There is nothing left in this world economy that leaves everyone behind. IN THIS DARKNESS WE WILL CONTINUE TO UNITE AND WE WILL PREVAIL.