Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Laws that are illegal to make, We will break!

Video from afternoon 3/29/2011. Some footage of our "Hand in Hand Tee-Shirt Protest". The singing people of the noon hour and other protesters.
video provided by: WEACtv

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

FREEDOM OF SPEECH, RISE UP! (articles and video) Protest 3/29/2011

Photo: Craig Grabhorn

photo: Timothy Hughes
Photo: Amber Solow
Fighting Bob! Rise Up!

Link to article:
New round of Wisconsin Capitol protests target sign and location rules - Isthmus | The Daily Page

Above: Mellisa Sargent Rises Up. View video of her children standing up for their rights. This is one reason Craig and I organized this T-protest, to speak up against the abuse of our freedom of speech happening in WI State Capitol. We will not be silenced!

another interpretation of our fight from BrokenHeartRevolt, R.I. Bott

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday's Letter #6: No Silence in the Streets

Yesterday, March twenty-sixth 2011 these events occurred...

MORE THAN a 100,000 people are expected to march to Hyde Park in London today in the biggest protest yet against the British government’s £80 billion (€91 billion) spending cuts, organized by the British Trades Union Congress. - The Irish Times 3/26/2011

Union leaders and police said over 250,000 people joined the biggest rally in the capital since protests against war in Iraq in 2003. -Reuters 3/26/2011

A protester in protective mask holds a placard during an anti nuclear rally in Tokyo on Sunday. The placard's message reads "Don't spread radioactive substances."- Japan Today 3/26/2011

Tens of thousands of people on Saturday turned out in Germany's largest cities to protest the use of nuclear power in the wake of Japan's Fukushima reactor disaster, police and organizers said. -Associated Press 3/26/2011

Solidarity rally in Los Angeles for workers rights and human rights

Madison, Wisconsin. ONE MORE DAY! 3/26/2011, Day 41

Today, I cannot easily find one honest and detailed news bit on any of these peaceful historical events. Media focused it's attention on youth groups who did property damage in central London, misleading and conflicting reports about the nuclear crisis in Japan and the war in Libya (however I don't believe they are calling it a war).

A few news outlets still hold onto the threads of truth, but after reading the slivered down journalism coming out of Wisconsin and the world, I really can only 100% rely on reports from the ground. Since I cannot be in London, Japan, Libya, Germany and Cali today; I sit at my desk frustrated and angered that my ongoing quest for truth is getting harder and harder. I am however thrilled to know the consciousness of the people in this world is gaining strength this weekend. Regardless of what the power mongers want us to see and fear, WE ARE RISING!

We will not be supported by our mainstream media, industry or corrupt governments. But we will continue to create massive grassroots networks of information and leadership for our future. There is nothing left in this world economy that leaves everyone behind. IN THIS DARKNESS WE WILL CONTINUE TO UNITE AND WE WILL PREVAIL.

Abusing Open Records to Attack Academic Freedom

Scholar As Citizen, by William Cronon. It is very valuable writing.
Abusing Open Records to Attack Academic Freedom

The Nation also making note of the GOP attack of this respected scholar:
Wisconsin GOP Seeks to Silence a Distinguished Dissenter. McCarthyism is Back. | The Nation

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Struggle in Wisconsin

Sunday's Letter #5: What Really Has Value?

This Sunday I was taking a rest down in Chicago in an attempt to clear my head and settle down after four very ramped up weeks of fighting for Wisconsin values. Our gracious hosts lead us to see the Tiffany Dome at the Chicago Cultural Center, as I looked up at this marvel of human achievement I became washed over with emotion. Great public buildings require passion, foresight, thoughtfulness, patience, planning, and goals that include future generations. It is these requirements for greatness that have become silenced in the selling out of our nation.

When you step into the state capitol in Wisconsin you get the sense that it was built to honor and inspire the hearts of many. My heart often sinks into an admiration for the past when things were made well and art and design was a requirement for all, not a privilege for a few. I often wonder how a nation, so capable and creative has surrendered so viciously to greed and selfish aims. The collective acts and common goals to create public beauty and comfort are nearly extinct.

Everything today is about profit, we all suffer in the wake of this sad goal. The reality of a world for sale is more apparent than ever; a handful of people have us all locked into a system that no longer supports our values or goals. Frankly, I am sick of being spoon feed, tricked and seduced by a system that left me behind decades ago. This is why we must continue to rise up, to reach for our greatness and to restore value. The numbers that rule us have lost my respect, I am ready for a game change.

Those of you who have been fighting hard in Wisconsin know that it feels better when we are together. We can no longer fret about the acquisition of wealth for things we don't need. The system is rigged, and we will be fighting over scraps if we continue to buy in. We all have amazing skills and we can survive and live well by SUPPORTING SYSTEMS that SUPPORT US and OUR ENVIRONMENT. Scott Walker and and those who have sold out their values cannot see this strength, and this is why we will prevail and they will not.

Wisconsin State Capitol

Chicago Cultural Center

Op-Ed Contributor Wisconsin’s Radical Break By WILLIAM CRONON

"This in turn points to what is perhaps Mr. Walker’s greatest break from the political traditions of his state. Wisconsinites have long believed that common problems deserve common solutions, and that when something needs fixing, we should roll up our sleeves and work together — no matter what our politics — to achieve the common good."

Read Entire Article:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday's Letter #4: Horror and Redemption

In one of the darkest power grabs in Wisconsin state history, collective bargaining rights of thousands of public employees were stolen. On Wednesday March 9th around 6:15 pm the crime was committed under an illegal capitol lock down, thousands of cries came through windows inside the chamber from the citizens outside. This issue of taking away people's voice helped mobilize millions across this country in a matter of days, these great rights started in WI decades before, and were carelessly eliminated in a few hours. The Republicans responsible for this malicious crime to silence the middle class will not be forgotten. To those responsible; we will hear no excuses, you will have no political redemption, you had your chance, you heard our cries and you did the unthinkable anyway! Your decision was weak, but the ramifications for your choice will be strong! Wisconsinites will RECALL YOU ALL! We will not forget your names and what you did this day when our people were ravaged for greed and personal gain. SHAME! FILTH!

Critics said with bargaining rights off the table that our numbers would dwindle, teachers would retreat, people would forget. Of course they wished this, then the crimes could continue without the public being so hyper aware of the death of their own democracy. On Saturday March 12, 2011, our brave 14 Democratic Senators returned to Madison, WI, the crowds swelled to nearly 200,000 and we chanted words of gratitude to those who allowed us to educate, mobilize and fight for our rights! In just 28 days, REAL TRUTH about the ills of our democracy were riped open, people began to AWAKEN. The MOVEMENT had begun! and the words WE ARE WISCONSIN made many cry tears of joy. For this feels wonderful, things have felt bleak and unbalanced for decades while our rights have been sold under our noses. The time has come for the people; I see it in our faces, I hear it in our voices, and I feel it in our hearts. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Our numbers are unprecedented, our conviction is strong, and we know the fight does not end until we restore all that has been undone. FORWARD!

Rep. Kucinich (OH) gives AMAZING speech in Madison, WI 3/13/2011

This is an incredible speech; his words can guide us... we should aspire to reach these goals in America!

200,000 UNITE! 3/12/2011 Madison, WI

Soon we will rip their lies and crimes on humanity wide open! And grind their evil war machine to a halt. Then we can go on vacation to the prison where they are all locked up and toast to the day when the people woke up and won our country back!

WI 14 return home to a warm welcome! Beautiful.

Illegal underhanded vote to destroy collective bargaining rights

In a seemingly illegal rush session Wednesday afternoon 3/9/2011 collective bargaining rights were striped out of the budget repair bill, this issue can separate because it is a non fiscal issue. This is the very issue Walker claimed was a part of balancing our budget all along. It is clear now this is all about silencing voices and striping rights so his contributing corporations will have endless power in our state. This is the issue that for three straight weeks millions of WI people have begged the republicans not to mess with, our cries were ignored! Barca is the only voice who tries to warn them of the horror they are about to unleash. This video shows a malicious power grab that I hope will end all their careers. SHAME!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pledge your support for WALKER RECALL

We are going to need 540,206 signatures for a Walker recall (starts 11/3/2011), This is a simple "Pledge" of your support, this is a key mobilization tool to get the job done starting in November.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nick Nice - Reflections after 3 weeks of fighting for our rights...

So it's now been almost 3 weeks since our lives in Madison have been turned upside down and I needed to take a pause to reflect upon what's happening. It's hard to put into words exactly what's going on here but it sort of feels like we're in a war and at the best party of our lives at the exact same time. The connections and bonds that have been formed over the past few weeks will affect us for the rest of our lives. What started as simple outrage to a flawed bill, along with threats of calling in the National Guard on us, has rapidly evolved into a battle for Democracy and Human Rights. Once we had time to actually read the bill and see Walker's actions, the true intentions of this bill and Walker's intentions were made crystal clear. The media portrays it simply as a pro-union issue but those of us who live here, and especially those of us who are at the Capitol every day, know that it's actually an assault on our everyday lives. Obviously the union aspect of this is huge but it's SO much more than that. Many days that I'm at the Capitol it's apparent that most of the people there are just everyday average Wisconsinites who are fighting for their friends and family. Most of them have nothing to do with a union. It's ironic that Walker says the protesters are "a bunch of slobs" and "just a bunch of college students having a fun party". Because I've been disappointed that there's not that many students there and all the usual hippie protester types and influential people of Madison have been notably absent. Instead it's been people like myself, many stay at home moms, professionals taking sick days to be there & basically just average working Americans taking time off to express their constitutional rights.

We are in a battle for our future, our children's future and ultimately the future of this country. It's not even just about the survival of the Democratic party as it's been framed in some places. It's about fighting for good in the world, treating people with respect, education, public services and basic human rights. The fact that several of us (myself included) have received multiple death threats simply for fighting for our beliefs should tell you that the evil forces we're up against know what's at stake and they are afraid. It's almost like we're fighting a faceless enemy at times though since most of those threats come from people who don't live here. The media isn't covering this properly because ultimately we're also in a battle with the lies they've been feeding us for all of our lives. Sure there's an accurate story here and there but we are up against a VERY powerful propaganda machine and it takes a lot of time and effort to see through how the media manipulates the news. It's not just Fox, all the major networks do it. So what has become clear to me in all of this is that it's up to people like myself to report the news and what's really happening here.

The ironic thing to me is that we're not some crazy left wing militia but rather pragmatic middle of the road people who just want an actual Democracy, basic human rights, quality education and public services along with a truthful media. It's truly the battle for common sense if you think about it.

While sometimes I feel like I'm yelling 'the sky is falling!' and no one is listening, with each passing day it becomes apparent that something sinister is afoot here and if you care about this country you can no longer ignore it. I use the word Fascism and often get criticized for it, but if you look at what's going on here there are many of the characteristics of a Fascist movement. Those of us who know history can see the signs of what's happening and what the future will be like if we don't take a stand now. However we're not there yet so perhaps using the word Autocracy is more accurate. That being said we have to start thinking of this like a game of chess and be thinking a few moves ahead. While I can't go into full detail yet about Operation Esquire what I can say is what worked about it; We need to go into public situations that Republican leaders are in and attempt to stealthily document what's going on through photos, recordings, video, etc... The prank phone call illustrated that all the arguments in the world aren't nearly as powerful as hearing or seeing their misdeeds and broadcasting them to the world. And if we know one thing about corrupt politicians (of all parties) it's that they're brazen and will do foolish things in public. I'm quite confident that even the most ardent Walker supporters will ultimately see how evil and corrupt this man is and will eventually have a hard time supporting him. Of course not everyone will be convinced, even Nixon and Bush had their supporters after their lies were exposed. But through stealth operations along with legal challenges we might be able to bring this administration down before a recall is even necessary. We have to take action before it's too late, Wisconsin is literally being decimated with every passing day. We're losing UW professors, teachers, veteran public-sector workers and professionals from varied fields as many of them have already taken early retirements to be able to keep their benefits. Some are planning to move away from here. The brain-drain has already happened and the more it continues the quicker Wisconsin will be decimated and unable to recover from in our lifetime (or ever).

Situations with Walker are a bit different as I think we need to block his moves and make him feel unwelcome in public no matter where he goes. He is a rat that needs to feel trapped. He's so deluded into thinking that what he's doing is right that if the truth keeps getting shoved in his face he won't be able to ignore it anymore. He's obviously trying to anger us with his words, tweets and press conferences but we can easily be peacefully aggressive with him. No need to fall into the trap of being violent with him and would defeat all the goodwill that's been built up through our peaceful resistance.

That being said I'm confident we can win this battle. It won't be easy, I think many people thought it would all be over in a couple of weeks. We have to be strong, intelligent and always keep our sense of humor. For if we can't laugh in even the most difficult of situations Evil has already won. The fight for our future has literally been brought to our doorsteps, are you going to passively sit and take it or are you going to fight for your rights?

John Nichols speech at Madison's Orpheum Theatre

A great speech by an amazing Madison journalist.

John Nichols @ Orpheum from luciano M on Vimeo.

Storming the Capitol

A highlight of my days fighting for human rights in Madison, WI. Scott Walker illegally closed the capitol and some 200 people were able to gently storm inside Thursday March 3rd.

Storming the Capitol from luciano M on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

'America Is NOT Broke': Michael Moore Speaks in Madison, WI -- March 5, ...

Sunday's Letter #3: Expose the Truth

Wow! quite a week of good and evil batting around the power. We may not have the resources to illegally close the state capitol like Lord Walker, but we do have the will to force our bodies back inside OUR HOUSE when a crack in the perimeter opened up on Thursday night! Our RESOLVE is clear, we are watching, we are educating ourselves everyday, we understand the importance and we are spreading the truth. The REAL truth comes from the ground, from all of us fighting for what is right, the media will continue to lie. We scared FOX news straight out of WI this week, catching them red handed in their sick brainwashing game. We have become STRONGER and BRIGHTER because injustice and the takeover of our nation is becoming too glaring to ignore any longer.

Through threats, and lies, and fear tactics Scott Walker has tried to beat us down. Forcing our families and friends to rally in the cold streets for 20 days... we do not weaken, we strengthen and we become more clever and organized by the day. We will not give up our beautiful land, our souls and our people to satisfy the GREED of a few! There is nothing left if we don't EXPOSE THE TRUTH!

other notes:
The brave WI 14 have continued to remain strong for all of us after being threatened and chopped by Walker's wicked schemes this week. This is the fight of our lifetime, the link to our collective power and our humanity! Thank the WI 14 for the opportunity to feel alive again, for giving us a fighting chance, thank them often. Their collective resolve has given us hope in a decade filled with lies and fear mongering. They have given us a chance now to RECALL the Republican Senators who have refused to listen to the people's cry, this is the next step!

Storm the Capitol Shots 3/3/2011 by Eric Baillies:

Friday, March 4, 2011

This Is Our House (Madison, WI protest / workers solidary rally)

More beauty from the people after 19 days of protest wage on in Madison, WI. This is the fight for democracy and human rights! Stop the takeover of our country, ALL must STAND UP if we are going to continue to win. This is every one's fight now, the future is not clear...

4 Days of Walker's illegally Closed Capitol

Most of the police officers are on our side, up until now everything has been very peaceful. Walker- in yet another outrageous power play has created a police state, stolen the capitol from the people...this video shows how one lawmaker was attacked last night while trying to get inside the capitol to do his work. Unacceptable.

Raw Video: 12 News Camera Captures Lawmaker Being Tackled By Police - Video - WISN Milwaukee

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Corporate takeover 101

There is so much more of course... but the Supreme Courts decision to allow corporations to act as people, was a final nail in our collective coffin. FIGHT ON!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunday's Letter #2: Chess Game, day 14

"Note from the front: People are scared and they should be...Our collective complacency has sold out our democracy / our greatness to corporations. We all need to try in our little way to unwrap the lies in WI and our country. Tomorrow predicts to be one of  the biggest protests outside DC in US history, the shift of consciousness is happening. The fight will be long, but we will PREVAIL."

I wrote this on Friday and the protests on Saturday were incredible, people in WI showed a proud 100,000+ at any point throughout the day, in freezing temperatures and falling snow.  People in every state in this country also marched and rallied on our behalf.  It is clear now that the blatant attack on democracy and human rights has been recognized as such.  Our brother and sisterhood is bonding,  this unified voice gives us the strength to FIGHT ONE MORE DAY! Those who have been called to battle early know this is only the beginning of a long road back to what is right.

Lies, manipulation and feed corn for the weak is being unloaded from Scott Walker at an all time high.  Most media sources have failed miserably at capturing the greatness and truth of the movement being born in Madison, WI.  Our friends at Democracy Now have given us some hope that somehow the truth will be exposed.
We must have faith that when lies are at the foundation, things will erode in our favor.  As Walker gets trapped in his lies and his tyrannical tricks are unleashed... the people will continue to UNITE!

Let's continue to focus on the bill, we have the power to change minds.  All eyes on those Senate Republicans, who must now decide if they are willing to sell out for a battle they will surely loose in the end.